Ask for thyself another Kingdom

director`s uncuted(issima) version

15 July 2008

Atum Ramirez

desculpem os impropérios, eh, eh, eh:)

08 July 2008

Very bad Ju Ju :)

A personal message from Captain Bruce Dickinson

Dear 666 passenger,

I am gutted to have to tell you that Astraeus Airlines have been forced to remove the Iron Maiden decals (artwork transfers) from the Boeing 757 and that its now highly unlikely that operational proceedures will allow enough time to have the Ed Force One livery reinstated for my Bruce Air trips.


However Astraeus were getting such great feedback from passengers and airports around our tour, that they asked if they could retain the Iron Maiden decals when they took the plane back for their own normal charter flights. We thought this was great and it has since been flying European and Middle East routes with spectacular reaction.

Unfortunately for us, 'Ed Force One' was the only plane available from the Astraeus fleet to fly a new and regular route into and out of an African country on a recent new route.

The striking Iron Maiden imagery had a violent reaction from the locals as they regarded the artwork, particularly that of Eddie, as very bad ju ju. Not only would local passengers refuse to board the plane because of the artwork, but other passengers were refusing to board planes of other airlines parked nearby in case they were tainted by the evil spirits! This resulted in some furore among the attending passengers and even more among the airlines involved! As the liveried 757 is owned and maintained by Astraeus, they had no alternative but to strip off all the Iron Maiden artwork and return the plane to its usual livery to be able to continue on the new route .

07 July 2008

Ena pá, roda e tudo...

Dubai 1991

Tem sido amplamente divulgado acriticamente pelos media a nova geração de skyscrapers, da autoria de David Fischer (?) e da Dynamic Architecture Group (?) edifícios a construir no Dubai, com 400 metros de altura em que os pisos (conceptualmente) giram em torno de um eixo central, gerador da imagem exterior do edifício, aleatória ou programada consoante os interesses "visionários" e ecológicos (aparentemente) do projectista... hum, alguem me conseguir explicar como se constrói um edificio dessa dimensão de forma verde dou-lhe um beijinho (parecendo-me energéticamente irrelevante as turbinas a vento na equação).

É este o momento para todas as loucuras, com os países produtores de petróleo e de qualidade democrática inversamente proporcional às receitas, a competirem pelo maior Falo/Torre de Babel, ícones do novo-riquismo tolo que só mentes cegas pelo ouro negro (unico sustento e convêm relembrar, finito) conseguiriam imaginar; no entanto parece-me ser esta pretensão interessante do ponto de vista experimental pois haverá sempre algum tipo de ensinamento a tirar que ajudará a definir melhor o futuro, seja este o caminho ou não.

Uma cidade não se torna grande apenas por ter altos edifícios, as grandes cidades são obrigatoriamente resultado de uma ocupação sustentada e comungada, não nascem do nada como estas cidades-falo, playgrounds de xeques-mimados e de sociedades sem povo, a antítese de tudo o que deveria ser.

Rodem os edificios ou não, o deserto será sempre o deserto, inshalá eu me engane.

02 July 2008

Querem ver que nos vão estragar as férias?

" Pentagon Official Warns of Israeli Attack on Iran
U.S. Offical Sees Two 'Red Lines' That Could Prompt Strike

Senior Pentagon officials are concerned that Israel could carry out an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities before the end of the year, an action that would have enormous security and economic repercussions for the United States and the rest of the world.

A senior defense official told
ABC News there is an "increasing likelihood" that Israel will carry out such an attack, a move that likely would prompt Iranian retaliation against, not just Israel, but against the United States as well.

The official identified two "red lines" that could trigger an Israeli offensive. The first is tied to when Iran's Natanz nuclear facility produces enough highly enriched uranium to make a nuclear weapon. According to the latest U.S. and Israeli intelligence assessments, that is likely to happen sometime in 2009, and could happen by the end of this year.
"The red line is not when they get to that point, but before they get to that point," the official said. "We are in the window of vulnerability."

The second red line is connected to when Iran acquires the SA-20 air defense system it is buying from Russia. The Israelis may want to strike before that system -- which would make an attack much more difficult -- is put in place. ..."

E para ajudar à festa o Obama já endureceu a posição...sentar-se com o Ahmadinejad ? Só em campanha, agora que o rapaz foi nomeado parece que temos Cowboy, outro, "for a Change"!

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